Explore, Tri, Discover
Art & Culture

Ongoing Exhibitions

Past Exhibitions


About TRI

TRI is a multidisciplinary art and culture centre that reimagines encounters with the visual, performing, musical, media, craft, and culinary arts. Through rotating exhibitions and a robust calendar of cultural programs, TRI invites visitors to explore, tri, and discover art and culture.


Bengal and Beyond

An homage to the melting pot of creativity and distinct cultural palette that makes Kolkata India’s cultural capital, TRI celebrates the city's vibrant and diverse heritage by aiming to establish itself as a thriving global hub for art and culture.

The home for this hub is a 20th century historic property reimagined for the purpose of contemporary arts engagement including display, discourse, performance, arts education, arts research, and other sensory experiences.


TRI is eponymously named after the heritage building’s unique triangular shape — an architectural form which inspires the triangulation of ideas as much as it invites visitors to tri these concepts through novel experiences. In it’s curation and cultural programs, TRI centers unexpected encounters between artists, artisans, institutions, writers, performers, and thought leaders to forge new aesthetic and intellectual pathways.